Dragon can’t stop playing the scene in her mind. The moment when she passed the heavy rock salt urn to her middle brother who proceeded to hurl it unceremoniously into the rapids of the Fleuve St. Laurent. It landed as you might expect with the splash of a boulder and was swiftly carried by the current for several feet before making its way down.
That was how we said goodbye to Bozidar yesterday.
His grand sons and wife and children and their partners stood nearby. We proceeded to dissect a bouquet, throwing individual white flowers in after him. A large white rose was released followed by hydrangea and lilies and carnations. They formed a beautiful procession and I hoped that swimmers and picnicers nearby might admire them too.
He was free.
We granted his wish.
We felt so much lighter knowing that he was where he wanted to be.
He was heading back to Croatia, unfettered by life jackets, or seat belts, tickets or fuel.
Bon voyage to one of the most upstanding, kind and loyal of them all!
Dragon’s Dad was an amateur photographer and liked to give photography advice. This one is for him as he would recommend that we avoid smiling for the best pictures. We took this right before we released him into the water.