Well….. You have waited long enough! Our book has been listed as a new release on our publishers website… we are about to go live on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and our books will soon be flying off book shelves everywhere. Since you guys have been with us, waiting patiently and following us on this publishing journey since the beginning, we are giving you our elevator pitch first!
Let’s start with a fun fact… did you know that The Butterfly Trap has been published before?
And did you know that originally she was called Lulu? Well, we have already shared that our character is now called Luki which is a combination of Lee-Ann and Kuki.
The Butterfly Trap was first released 15 years ago with the same title but a much more crude version that I wrote and illustrated without the creative direction from my gifted and talented wife, Kuki. I had it scanned, and laid out by a graphic artist, printed and bound at a local printer and was distributing copies in the schools that I worked at, to friends and family etc.
The takeaway here is that the story has already been extensively field tested by children from ages 2-11. Children are the best test market because they are so honest and uninhibited. Their feedback is golden because they have no filter!
And here’s the best news...
EVERY TIME we have READ THIS BOOK, in many different contexts, classrooms ages and settings it was met with delight! There was laughter, engagement, reflection and attention. I created this book from my heart for the hearts of children and they connected.
Most importantly though I want you to know that the new and improved version of The Butterfly Trap has surpassed my expectations because it was conceived thanks to Kuki’s vision and creative direction. We also owe a debt of gratitude to our collaboration with our publisher, editors and creative team. Thanks to this, our story has been tweaked, reworked and reborn and is now a more well thought out, consistent and well developed product overall.
So, It’s all happening now friends and we can hardly even believe it….
But we promised you our elevator pitch so that you will be the first to get to know Luki and The Butterfly Trap book so, here it is P.S we memorized it!!
“The Butterfly Trap is a book about a girl named Luki. Luki is a willful little girl who won’t let anything stop her. Not even her Mother!
She loves butterflies so much that she wants to have one as a pet. But how much is too much? This story is special because we learn why Luki’s dream may or may not be such a good idea.”
Check out our first ever video debut of our elevator pitch here!
Soon, we will have the privilege of reading the story to you and give you access to our exclusive line of limited edition merch. Over the first weekend of November our hearts will be bursting because this project has so much heart in it, there is so much history and is literally a piece of who we are. Nothing feels better than sharing who you are with authenticity.
Thank you for receiving it.
Dragon and Bunny